Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), is one of the five national laboratories authorized in November 2003 by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and also co-sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Hubei Provincial Government and Wuhan Municipal Government. The Laboratory is mainly managed by Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) and in collaboration with Wuhan Research Institute for Posts and Communications, Wuhan Institute of Mathematics and Physics, CAS and Huazhong Institute of Electro-Optics.
In November 2017, WNLO has been approved by MoST to update as one of the six national research centers in China. Focusing on prospective, strategic, and frontier basic research, WNLO aims to become world-class innovation center with high impact and core capabilities to cultivate talents, lead disciplines, and transfer technologies in optoelectronics field. It covers three fields of optoelectronics for information, energy and life, by integrating such 8 research areas as: Integrated Optoelectronics, Photonic Radiation and Detection, Optoelectronic Information Storage, Laser Science and Technology, Photonics for Energy, Biomedical Photonics, Multimodal Molecular Imaging, Construction of Biomolecular Network.
We invite outstanding scientists to join us in the following research areas: Integrated Optoelectronics, Photonic Radiation and Detection, Optoelectronic Information Storage, Laser Science and Technology, Photonics for Energy, Biomedical Photonics, Multimodal Molecular Imaging, Construction of Biomolecular Network.
Positions & Qualifications:
1. Leading talents. With the doctorate degree, the candidates should hold professorship position or be the senior research scientist in overseas high-level universities/institutes, or the winners of NSFC for distinguished young scholars, or Cheung Kong Scholars Program of MOE in mainland China and plan to work as full time employee upon recruitment.
2. Outstanding young talents. Candidates engaged in scientific researches in the field of Photonics and below the age of 40, shall possess a PhD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities, with formal teaching and researching positions in overseas prestigious universities, institutions or enterprises, and plan to work full time in China. The young professionals shall have the potential of becoming leading talents in the future. Outstanding PhD students could be recruited in exceptional cases. An ideal supporting package and salary will be provided by HUST and WNLO.
3. Principle investigators. Candidates should have a PhD degree, below the age of 50, and hold an assistant or equivalent professorship position in overseas top universities, or a professorship or equivalent position in mainland universities. Candidates are expected to lead national major scientific research projects, make the best use of available facilities, and to play a key role in WNLO’s core research fields and work full-time.
4. Young faculty. Candidates should have a PhD degree, below the age of 40, have published high quality scientific papers in related fields, and have independent research capability, undertaking national projects to support disciplinary developments.
5. Postdoctoral fellows. Candidate shall have a PhD degree, below the age of 35, have published high quality scientific papers in related fields, and have excellent cooperation and coordination abilities. Annual income is at least more than RMB 220,000.
Employment procedures:
1. Application
The candidates are required to submit the CV including working achievements and the copies of academic degree certificates.
2. Assessment and interview
WNLO will evaluate the application materials and schedule interview.
Ms. Weiwei DONG, Ms. Wen XU, Human Resource Office
Address: Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics,
1037 Luo Yu Road, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China
Tel: 86-27-87792227, 87792223
Email: wnlohr@mail.hust.edu.cn
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