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Photo Beijing 2020 exhibition opens with tribute to China’s

时间:2020-09-30|栏目:Zend Studio|点击:

Photo Beijing 2020, a photo exhibition, opened with its first show marking China’s fight against the COVID-19 outbreak in early 2020, in Beijing on Sept. 27.

(Photo/Beijing Daily)

Held at the China Millennium Monument museum, the first show of the international photography event gave tribute to those who contributed in the fight against COVID-19.

Displayed were 705 photos showing the country’s anti-epidemic efforts, including one depicting the first batch of military medical staff flying in planes of the People’s Liberation Army air force, on their way to Wuhan, former epicenter of COVID-19 of central China’s Hubei province.

(Photo/Beijing Daily)

“Press photography pieces, especially those from mainstream media, are major sources of the first show at the Photo Beijing 2020,” said Ji Chunhong, deputy head of the organizing committee for the photography event.

(Photo/Beijing Daily)

Ji added that photos showing the Chinese people’s epidemic response during the most challenging eight months in Wuhan, and various areas around China, were selected for the exhibition.

Sponsored by China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Beijing municipal government, the Photo Beijing 2020 exhibition will run through next Jan. 31, 2021. 

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